Horseshoe Lane West, Merrow, Guildford GU1 2SX GU1 2SX
Harvest concert
"Mikulás" Santa Party
Gryllus Vilmos concert
Fees include participation in lessons, free play session and library usage, participation in events, free teaching resources, usage of folk costumes, participation in performing opportunities
0-3 months: free
3 month to 3 year £170
3-5 year £200
5-14 year £220
On-line iskola 10-14 years old £180
Adult Hungarian groups £350 (35 occasion weekly)
From 3rd child: free
Membership fee for new families £30/family and free for current members
Bursary is available for disadvantaged families
Siblings attending the same group 50% discount
Chronically ill children and disadvantaged families/ patents discount 50-90%
please email to
Payments to
Hungarian Cultural Association,
Guildford at Lloyds TSB, sort code 30-93-74 account number 40451860
New families are welcome!
The Team of HCA Guildford
Hungarian language group for adults - beginner and intermediate - online
Our activities for all ages:
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Registered Charity in England and Wales #1144110
Company Limited by Guarantee #7606402
Registered Office: 2 Elles Avenue, Guildford GU1 2QH
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